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The Swiss Alps

The Ultimate Swiss Mountain Tour

Switzerland has some of the most spectacular riding in Europe. Towering mountains, verdant valleys and, tying them all together, a network of incredible roads. Great surfaces, amazing corners… and just enough handy cafes to keep everything relaxed. This nine-day tour puts it all together, ready to be ridden and enjoyed.


What’s included on the route? Each day’s route has recommended places to stop for coffee in the morning and afternoon, a suggested lunch stop and planned fuel stops.


How long is each day’s ride? Each leg of the tour is planned to be a full day in the saddle: check-out of the hotel and get on the road by 9am, getting to the next location at 5:30-6pm. That's including time off the bike for coffee stops and lunch: it's a relaxed riding holiday, not not an endurance test. Saddle-time rating: six out of 10.


What are the highlights? Well... pretty much all of it. From the famous passes like the Furka, Grimsel and Susten, to the smaller ones that only the locals ride, this is a trip that hits high point after high point. It's designed as a two-centre tour, with daytrip loops around a pair of base hotels, to pack in the greatest amount of riding with the minimum of fuss or duplication of roads. Along the way, it packs in miles of brilliant riding in the quieter, leafier bits of France and Germany. 


Why nine days? The tour works with just one week off work, setting off from Folkestone on a Saturday morning and returning the following Sunday afternoon. 


How is it supplied? You can simply download the GPX files and install them in your sat nav. Garmin or BMW Navigator users should download the complete file; TomTom users (or riders using a GPX compatible phone app like Calimoto, Scenic or MyRouteApp Navigator) should download the individual files. However, I strongly recommend getting the tour pack of day-by-day route notes and marked-up maps (not sold separately).

Download the tour

Garmin/BMW users should download the complete-route file. Individual day files should be downloaded for TomTom or GPX-compatible phone apps. 

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